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Empower Your Leadership with Psychological Safety

Psychological Safety for Managers, Directors, and CEOs

5 Chapters

5 Lessons


Due to the volume of students in this class, we advise you to register fast -  THE LIVE CLASS FOR JANUARY IS SOLD OUT & MARCH 10 SPOTS LEFT.

Science Fact

In a small study, researchers took sweat from people's armpits after they ran on a machine and after they jumped out of an airplane to see how people felt, they had other people smell both kinds of sweat.

Scientists discovered that people who sniffed the sweat from flying had more activity in the amygdala, a part of the brain that handles emotions. You don't have to smell something to be scared.

People tend to copy others because they are social creatures. It's more likely that you smile when you see someone else smile, and it may make you cry when you see someone else cry.

Emotional contagion is when a thought, good or bad, moves from one person to another or from one group of people to another.

But it seems like some feelings get around faster and better than others. Feelings that make you very alert, like awe, anger, worry, or fear, may spread more easily.

Fear is contagious, and low achievers, too.


A recent study found that working with a high achiever increases team productivity by 15%, but working with a low achiever lowers productivity by 30%.

Low achievers are people living in fear, and this can kill your team and company.


What is Psychological Safety

Psychological safety is a key concept in modern organizational leadership. It means creating a space where employees feel free to share their thoughts, ideas, and worries without worrying about what might happen.

This training is designed to give managers, directors, and CEOs the skills and information they need to create a psychologically safe environment for their teams by focusing on real-life issues and offering practical solutions.

Course Curriculum

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