Why we buy?
Level #1 or 5 - this class belongs to the Series: IRRATIONAL HUMANS
This class is to understand how the brain functions during purchasing.
Humans make 35,000 decisions a day, 95% of which are irrational.
But why???
We know people buy, BUT why they do it, is what makes a difference. Yes, you can take a 30-minute sales class, but do you know the mystery behind the action of buying?
This class is learning, with humor, real case studies, a little nerd and science to make the perfect combo.

5 famous cases studies
👍Do you know that changing the music changes what products people buy?
👍Do you know that the smell in casinos is targeting special players?
👍Do you know why luxury brands make you wait for a product?
👍Do you know that by changing 1 word, YOU can influence what others say or buy?
👍Do you know why 45% of the people who have Harley-Davidson TATTOOS don’t own a Harley?

Humans have 2 brains, or what we call in Behavior Economics: Homer Simpson vs Albert Einstein.
Now the bad news, Homer usually wins…
The process of buying and being influenced is not complicated; it is complex, as humans are.
It’s called In group- out group, same reason people join cults.
Join us in the fascinating world of the brain, emotions and why people buy.
Information and Knowledge are power.